
Download Chess for PC Free APK for Windows

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The Latest Version APK of Free Download Chess For PC

Download Chess for PC, and the artificially intelligent AI can be defeated in Pardo Blabs’ turn-based strategic board game Free Chess. You control a specific level, and AI will manipulate your opponent. The objective of the game is to checkmate your opponent using the standard chess rules. This means that each player will receive sixteen pieces of chess offline: a king, rook, queen, pawn, knight, and bishop. You are the victor when your opponent’s king is in a check.


The best turn-based strategy game ever is available on the screen of your tablet or smartphone with Chess Free, an Android chess game. You can play against the computer on twelve different difficulty settings with chess game offline download free. If you know how to play chess offline download, you should have no trouble winning in the first few, but the hardest levels are incredibly challenging.

Chess is an abstract strategy game without any elements of chance or concealed knowledge. 64 squares in an 8×8 grid make up the chessboard on which it is played. Both “White” and “Black” players are in control of sixteen pieces: eight pawns, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, one king, and one queen. The first to move is white, then black. Usually, checking the opponent’s king—that is, threatening it with unavoidable capture—wins the game. A game might conclude in a draw in several ways.




Game Features of Download Chess for PC:

  • With careful tweaking, 25 distinct levels are available to steadily test you as you go.
  • Watch as you pit various A.I. levels against one another!
  • Sound effects, animations, and realistic 3D models
  • Go back and forth through any game, move by move! Edit, resume, etc.
  • Personalized chessboard and set colors (including metal effect)!
  • The ability to conceal marks for legal moves, last move trails, and reasoning artificial intelligence
  • Play in either timed or regular mode.
  • Use statistics to monitor your progress.
  • Have you never played chess for pc? Included is a quick start tutorial!
  • No demo, no locked options, and no in-app sales!

Play Chess for Free Online:

  • Play chess with your pals in the two-player mode for free. While playing, make new friends and converse.
  • Participate in online tournaments with thousands of other players; play games in real-time for one minute to thirty minutes or more.
  • Play correspondence online chess every day for stress-free games at your own pace.
  • Experience all of these thrilling free chess games variations in our app: blitz chess, puzzle rush, bullet chess, puzzle warfare, Fischer-Random chess960, and blindfold chess.
  • Enjoy further chess com download variations as well: 3-check, The Fog of War, doubles (bughouse), King of the Hill, Crazy House, and more.

Setup of Download Chess for PC:

On an 8 by 8 checkered board, with rows labeled 1 through 8 and columns labeled “A” through “H,” players use their pieces to construct “files” or strategies. The “A1” square ought to be black. The player who is in charge of the white pieces positions them in ranks 1 and 2, while the player who is in charge of the black pieces positions them in ranks 7 and 8. The positions of the pawns are 2 and 7. Starting with the “A” file, the remaining pieces are arranged in ranks 1 and 8 as follows: a rook, a knight, a bishop, a queen, a king, a bishop, a knight, and a rook. Players take turns, with the player with white going first.




Make a move:

The following is how the six pieces move:

  • Along the diagonal, the Bishop can move any number of squares.
  • The number of squares that the Rook can travel along the same rank or file is unlimited.
  • Along the same rank, file, or diagonal, the Queen may move any number of squares.
  • To avoid being on the same rank, file, or diagonal, the Knight advances to the nearest square. The knight makes an “L” shape, moving two squares down a rank or file and then one square perpendicular to that. Only the knight can “jump over” other pieces.
  • Always moving in the direction of the opposing side of the board, the Pawn advances one square along the file. When a pawn moves for the first time, it is permitted to travel two spaces along the file rather than just one. A pawn cannot capture a piece along the file it is presently traveling; it can only do so imminently along the diagonals in the direction of motion.
  • Except for castling (see below), the King can only move one tile in each direction. Never can the King put himself in a check.

What’s new:

  • Gain points for each right move to advance your puzzle practice. To progress and get new scoring bonuses, keep solving!
  • Game Review now displays your performance at each stage of the game and, equally important, calculates your rating for that match!
  • You can now “program” moves in daily offline games for pc free download to come into play automatically when your opponent does a move you anticipated!




System Requirements of Download Chess for PC:

Minimum Requirements:

  • Available on: PC, Mobile, Surface Hub, HoloLens
  • OS: Windows 10 version 10240.0 or higher
  • CPU: Intel i3-6100 3.7Ghz
  • Memory: 8GB
  • GPU: GeForce GTX-750ti
  • Storage: 20GB

Recommended Requirements:

  • OS version: Windows 7, 10 X64 DX9c
  • CPU: Intel i5-7500 3.8Ghz
  • Memory: 16GB
  • GPU: GeForce GTX-1060
  • Storage: 20GB

How to download & install:

  • Firstly, get the MEmu installer and complete the configuration.
  • Launch MEmu, then launch Google Play on your PC.
  • Then, look for the offline board game Chess on Google Play.
  • Install and download the offline board game Softonic Games.
  • Click the icon to begin when the installation is complete.
  • Lastly, enjoy using MEmu to play the PC game Chess, which is an offline board game.


In conclusion, Windows PC chess online multiplayer enthusiasts can enjoy a delightful experience with free chess, a simple yet beautifully designed gaming application. To sum up, its 10 difficulty levels, local multiplayer play sessions, and the option to swap between 2D and 3D views make it suitable for players of all skill levels. However, the lack of online lectures and activities may be a drawback for some users.

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